But over time these tall stands tend to block sunlight which hampers growth of the underbrush that promotes small game and provides feed for larger game. Looking at this from a long-term point of view CMC has partnered with a forestry manager in St. Mary's PA, to create a plan that helps us redevelop some of our lost undergrowth through the selective cutting of trees on limited blocks of our land.
Our FIRST selective cut, toward the top of Dry Hollow, was completed by Walker Lumber Company, of Woodland PA. Walker has over 100 years of timbering experience in Pennsylvania and we were very pleased with the results
Our SECOND selective cut, just down the edge of Dry Hollow, has been marked and the high bidder was Hickory Hill Hardwords LLC. The cut has been fully 'marked' and harvest is expected to begin as soon as Spring 2017 weather permits.
You may have noticed the extensive tree markings which are deciphered as follows:
Most harvests will be broken into two "cutting blocks" differentiated by red and blue paint. Sawtimber trees are marked with a diagonal slash and pulp trees with a dot. Junk trees are marked with an "X". Trees that have a "G" are to be girdled, which means they will be killed, but left standing for wildlife purposes. Three diagonal slashes is the property line. Two diagonal slashes is an interior boundary line for "out" area.